Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Summertime Fun!

As many times as these kids change clothes throughout the day,
they are learning to do lots of laundry folding this summer!

We watched the Evette kids while their parents had a night out!
The boys went fishing, the girls painted nails:)

Watching C's favorite, Donald Duck:)
We've started our summer "school" work.

This girly LOVES a good book!

Making an absolute mess outside but loving every minute of it!

Tuckered out babies!

Some guy backed into my car at the pool after practice one
night and the kids and I had to wait around to get the police report
filed and everything!  Such a nuisance!  Thankfully nobody was hurt!

Swim meet #2... C doesn't look like he's having fun, but he is
really actually watching the swimmers int he lane in front of him!
He eats his weight in junk during the meets and loves it!

A rare moment of relaxing for this boy!

Neighborhood block party

The kids got Rubiks cubes and have enjoyed playing with them!
The A/C upstairs was out for several days, so we had quite a
few nights of the kids camping out downstairs!
Cooling off when the house is hot!  Pool time!
C has had a spark in his attention to Legos all of a sudden!
S is taking piano through the summer so C and I will surely
have many trips to the library to kill the time:)

My first garden harvest!  I had checked these 2 days before and
they were nowhere close to being ready!  We then got 1.4 inches
of rain and 3 of these were got too big!  They grow sooo fast!!!!

Mr. Independent!  I just happened to walk around the corner
and find him pouring this HUGE thing of OJ!  He did it, though!

This girly always has a book!  Even at breakfast!

I've been hearing about these cotton candy grapes all over
Facebook and when I saw them at Publix just had to get them!
They truly are AMAZING!!!!
The kids have swim practice with 10&under.  This day they wanted
to stay around for a while and watch the older kids who practice after
them!  They were so cute watching!

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