Friday, June 17, 2016

Summer Spectacular

This week has been a week of crazy, a week of fun and also a week of exhaustion!

The kids and I have been involved with Summer Spectacular and oh what a week we've had!  Both kids have had friends in their "crews" and I've been leading a "crew" of rising 4th graders throughout the week!  

We've been on a Quest to follow the Light of the World - to follow Jesus' hope, courage, direction, love and power!

The kids have been coming home talking about what they've learned and have both really had some points sink in!  It's fun for me to know exactly what they are talking about and the know the songs they are singing because I've been doing the exact same thing all morning!

The leaders praying before the day started  - I'm on the far side in the blue shirt!
S and Anna G. - they always seem to be in the same group:) 

C is kind of like me as far as getting in pictures - we like to stay in the background:)
I got a sighting of him here!  On the right in the green shirt and black shorts!
Love these girls! 

I found another of C... I had to look closely at all the pictures!  HA!  He's
the second kid from the right in the grey shirt!

Never camera shy... never!

My group:)  We had 3 leaders(2 of these are bible story leaders) with 15 kids!
And we were very boy heavy with our numbers!!  But, they were a pretty good group
with some more spirited than others... just take a look and you can spot some of
the crazies!  Lol!

This looks like part of S's team - white shirt!

Another C sighting - he was on stage with his group.  He has a blue shirt on,
second to the left of the plant!  I tell ya, I can't believe, well I actually can, but
seriously that there was not one good picture of that kid all week!
We celebrated the ending of a fun week with goodies all around -
check out the amount of chocolate I was ready to consume!!!:)

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