Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

We did a whole lot of nothing... yet were so tired when we got up this morning that we need another weekend to recuperate!!  How does that happen!?!?

He's a recap of the excitement(insert sarcasm!!):

Saturday - M worked over at the new house all day.  I took the kids over there to hang out with him while I got my hair done.  Then, I picked them up and we went to the grocery(ugh!  my absolute least favorite thing to do with 2 kids in tow!!).  By the time we got home, it was dinner prep and baths and off to bed the kids went.  M did some weed spraying and I finished my book(402 pages in 48 hours!  I neglected most other responsibilities!!).  Then we finally made it to bed!

Sunday - After church we met the Weavers at the park for a picnic and let the kids run out some energy!  We love our times with them and the afternoon was absolutely beautiful and perfect picnic weather!  We got home and M and I put it into high gear cleaning the house(M replaced tiles and scrubbed bathrooms while I dusted, vacuumed, organized, cleared off counters and rearranged furniture) in preparation for our first house showing on Monday!!!  We are not exactly putting our house on the market yet, but our neighbors have friends moving down from NY and they were looking at houses this weekend and wanted to check ours out!  Wouldn't that be awesome if they bought it!  After about three hours of hard core cleaning, M and I cleaned ourselves up and Grandmamma and Grandaddy watched the kids while we went to see Phantom of the Opera!  Amazing!!!!!  The Phantom's voice was the best!  I could have listened to him sing all night!  I've seen the show once before in Atlanta when I think I was in high school, but couldn't even remember they whole storyline and it was M's first time seeing it!  We both walked away having enjoyed it!!

Monday - M went to help Tyler at his house early in the morning while I finished trying to clean the house(making beds, emptying dish washer, folding laundry... you know, all the fun things in life!) and then I took the kids to the gym with me to try and keep them from messing anything up!!  We made it home for lunch, M got home and then the neighbors and their friends came by to check out the house.  I think they liked it, but couldn't tell if our neighbors were more interested in their friends buying it than the friends were!  Anyway, after they left, M and C went to work on the house while I took S to dance - yes, she had dance on Memorial Day because the recital is on Saturday and they wanted one more practice before they went on the big stage:)  After putting the kids to bed, we collapsed on the couch and were pretty much worthless!

It was a busy weekend, yet full of a bunch of nothing really!

We do have a very clean house now, though, which is kinda rare but wonderful:)

They found some old boxes and made themselves into robots!

Going into the grocery w/ Thing 1...

and Thing 2(she said she was a buggy and they I was going to have
to push her through the grocery store... oh the imagination!!)!

Park fun!  Morgan(Mark's cousin whom we met at the beach last
summer) and S picked up right where they left off!

All the kiddos!

M showed off his "gymnastics" skills:)

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