Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring Break

We survived Spring Break!!  This week was officially spring break but we opted to stay here while everyone else was on the roads and we are leaving TOMORROW for Disney World!!

So, what have we been doing around here?? 

The kids have been being crazy, crazy, crazy!! They have gotten into building pillow towers in the living room by taking every pillow off of the couches and piling them up.  Then they slide/roll down them!  Just awesome:)

So that they don't completely destroy the house, we've been outside as much as possible!!  Riding bikes has become a favorite pastime at our house recently! 

We also met up with Amanda, Darcy and Grady at Conestee Park for some letterboxing and a picnic!  We only get to see them during school holidays so it is always a must to make sure we get some time with them when we can!

And, finally, this afternoon M bush hogged our property and after "rest time" I took the kids up there to see him and have a few tractor rides!

We are now completely and totally ready for our Disney trip!!!

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