Sunday, April 21, 2013


We are not currently potty training, but tonight during dinner C just seemed like he needed to go "number 2" so I asked him if he wanted to go sit on the potty.  He said "Yes!" which didn't surprise me because he loves to sit on the potty and be a big boy, but that is about all he usually does - sit and sit and sit!!

This time I put him on there and he was just talking and talking and not focusing on the task at hand(HA!) so I told him I was going to go eat my dinner and for him to let me know when he was done.  My thought was, here we go again, a marathon potty sitting episode. 

I was SO EXCITED, PROUD, SURPRISED when he started yelling that he did it!  He really did go potty - pee pee for the record!  We all ran in there, jumping up and down and giving hugs!  He was so very proud of himself!

Way to go C-man!!

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