Tuesday, April 23, 2013

All In a Days Work

Today was one of those days that we had 1,003 things to do - at least that is how it seemed!  We ran errands at Dobson's Hardware, Hobby Lobby, Dick's and Ann Taylor Loft; ate lunch at Moe's; got the car washed; C had a dentist appointment; S got her haircut(I took C yesterday while S was in school so at least I only had one to do today!); S had dance; we looked at more houses yet again!

It was exhausting and by the time we finally got home at 8pm, I was ready to just crawl into bed and stay for a very, very long time!!  I'm just glad to have all of that done and behind me!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

love the picture of C in the glasses...Cayden wears his the same way!