Sunday, December 19, 2010


Ahhh... our annual trip to Hollywild was awesome!!

We went kind spur of the moment and it couldn't have worked out any better! I fed C (and then he slept the ENTIRE time - woohoo!), we stopped and grabbed Chick-fil-A on the way and drove out preparing to have to wait in line since it was a Saturday night. NOPE!! We drove straight in:) S loves sitting up front with us and hanging out the window while we drive through the lights. Our attempt to lure the HUGE cow, zebra and deer to our car for some yummy crackers failed, but it was fun trying! When we got out we warmed up by the campfire, petted the animals and fed them some food!

This is definitely one of my favorite traditions that we've started! Next year should be very interesting (and probably picture-less) with TWO kids hanging out in the front seat with us:)

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