Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gingerbread Fun

Well, not so much fun for me, but S enjoyed it! I bought this kit with a vision of a beautiful gingerbread train masterpiece like the one on the box... hmmm... not quite how it went down. I read a horror story on a friend's blog about her experience with her gingerbread house, so I had been forewarned. Our kit came with the gingerbread already cooked which helped, but the icing was SO hard to get out of the packets and S couldn't do that by herself. I had wanted her to do the decorating alone so that she could "express her creativity" or maybe it was to give me a break and have a little quiet while she was otherwise entertained. Instead, I sat with her and put the icing on the train while she covered it with candy. She had fun decorating, but was probably more interested in eating the icing! I am not so sure we will be doing another gingerbread train or house anytime soon, but I am glad to say we at least gave it a try.

C-man was playing happily on the floor on his play mat when we began our little project, but Sir Rolls-A-Lot kept getting flipped over on the hard floor and throwing a fit because he has a hard time rolling back over so into the swing he went! He is rolling a lot these days and wants to sit by himself so badly. He is becoming stronger and more independent each day. Now if only he would sleep without his swaddle we'd be set:)


W and Js mommy said...

I think it turned out GREAT!
HOLY MOLY C looks Just like Stella! WOWIE

Jessica said...

It turned out great!!! Did you really think she'd do it all by herself? LOL.

Double Dees in SC said...

I agree about the train. When I read the top, I envisioned a collapsed caboose so when I scrolled down to the picture, I was confused. She/you did great!