Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas on the Farm

Christmas on the farm Colonial style!

It was SO COLD this morning as we headed to The Farm at Roper Mountain, but well worth it! The kids were able to make decorations as they may have made during that time, they reenacted the story of Baby Jesus and S was chosen to be Mary(on a side note this is a Greenville County School System facility so I was very surprised but grateful that they brought this into our activities), heard stories and of course were given the chance to see all the animals.

C was bundled up, and looking super cute if I do say so HA, thanks to my sweet, sweet friend who helped keep him from getting hypothermia!! He was so snug and warm that he slept the entire time:) S was bundled when we started with a coat, hat and gloves but ended the morning with only a coat. I tried!


GiGi said...

Priceless!!!!!...I have nothing else to say.

KLee said...

She makes a precious Mary!