Sunday, December 26, 2010


Christmas morning S woke up at her usual 7am (C missed the present opening as he slept until almost 9am) and we corralled her in our room until she went potty and we could get dressed and turn on the tree lights. When she walked out and saw all the presents under the tree, she wasn't quite sure what to make of it all!! She opened each present so slowly and then wanted to play with each one. I thought she would have just torn through all of them and been done in about 10 minutes!

After we finished we packed up and headed over to my in-laws house for lunch and dinner with all of the cousins! We had so much fun and S and C really enjoyed all the attention as they are still the only little ones - but not so for next year! We'll have at least one more little one to share in getting spoiled:)

And, for the first time since 1963, it was a WHITE CHRISTMAS! We ended up getting about 1.5-2" total throughout the day and night. Such a beautiful way to celebrate!


Jessica said...

Gorgeous snow picture! And I love the behind shot - tutu cute.

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics...