Wednesday, December 1, 2010

5 Months

This month has been all about rolling! C goes from front to back and back to front, but still prefers to hang out on his back. He has also found his toes and enjoys playing with them while laying around. He is not nearly as flexible as S and can't get them into his mouth, but that doesn't seem to bother him since he puts everything else he can get a grip on in there! He loves playing with his Sophie giraffe, crinkle book and his blocks. However, his favorite thing is his sister!!!!! He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES her and laughs at everything she does (which suites her just fine because she loves being the center of attention). She can make him laugh when nobody else can! And, the rougher she is when she is messing with him, the more he laughs. We started cereal this month and unfortunately I have just not been very consistent with giving it to him. He may get it once every 2-3 days. I really need to get better about it as we will be started his veggies and fruits soon:) Every month it is amazing how much he grows and develops!

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