Friday, December 16, 2016

Sunday School Christmas Party

Tonight we had our annual Sunday School Christmas party! It was nothing short of crazy fun! C and I ended up going while M stayed home with a sick S:(  We missed them of course but still enjoyed ourselves!

We ate dinner with our friends, the kids ran around absolutely bonkers, we played bingo and pin the star on the Christmas tree and decorated cookies while drinking hot chocolate!

I love our group and that all of our kids are nuts so we don't feel as bad about the crazy behavior;)

These three have such a fun friendship!  PS - the calm before the storm of craziness!!!

Cookie decorating - I think this lent itself to the craziness that followed!

C's creations!

The Evettes always have fun ideas to entertain the kids -
C must have done pin the star on the Christmas Tree no less
that 10 times - and still never got it on the top of the tree:)

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