Saturday, December 17, 2016

Christmas Lights

Tonight, since S was feeling better and the rest of us were going stir crazy, we ventured out in the drizzle to find some good Christmas lights!  As I was doing a little research to find out where exactly to go, I discovered that 3 of the ones we went to last year were not doing it this year...BOOO!!!  So, we ended up only going to one place in Greer and then driving through a nearby neighborhood that had quite the display as well!

The kids were loaded down with hot chocolate and they were excited to see the lights of the house that we were going to!  We went to this one last year for the first time, and it is one that you can get out and walk around.  There was a wonderful train set up again and Santa even arrived while we were there!  It was a great surprise!

Even though it was not a bunch of places like we've done in the past, it was probably one of the best ones and it made for an earlier night which we all needed!!

Posing as Mary and Joseph...LOL!!!

She found a Nutcracker and just had to do a Baby Mouse pose
with it:)

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