Wednesday, December 14, 2016


We made our way to Hollywild again this year!  We love going during the week because it is less crowded, and tonight was the least crowded I've ever seen it!  The animals in the Deer Field were hungry so they all came up to the car and ate our crackers!  This is the first year we've had the Sequoia and the kids loved being able to have the entire back area to feed out the window and move around!  

We opted not to purchase the little bottles to feed the animals at Santa's Village because in the past we've learned that they don't eat them anyway!  We saved some crackers from the Deer Field and the animals ate them up fast!  Also, because it wasn't too crowded, the workers let the kids go in the pen with the animals without charging them(see video below of the kids loving being in there with them!)!

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