Wednesday, May 18, 2016

MVE Career Day

Today was career day at the kids' school and M was able to come and be a part of it!  The kids were so so so excited that they even had 10 minutes to play outside before leaving for school because they got ready so quickly(this is very rare!!!)!

I stayed and hung out at the school with M for a while(admittedly to take pictures, of!) but didn't stay for the entire time because honestly I was ready to sit a spell:)  There were 14 groups that cycled through M's station and each one lasted about 8 minutes.  With transition times and all, it was about a 2 hour event.  M said that he enjoyed it and was glad that he could participate and the kids were beside themselves when they came through their daddy's station!

I'm very thankful for such a great day for the three of them!

We even had time for some pictures before leaving for school!!

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