Saturday, May 14, 2016

Dance Recital - Dancing Through Wonderland

Tonight was S's dance recital at Bon Secours Wellness Arena, aka The Well!  While I don't prefer this venue over the Peace Center where the recital use to be, it is a better environment to have C with us because he doesn't have to be quite as proper:)

Gigi and I dropped S off at 6pm and then just wandered around, found Amanda and her family and then went on in for the 7pm start!  M, Grandpa and C came around 8:15pm since S was only performing in Act 2!  Grandmamma and Granddaddy also arrived later!

S did such an amazing job!!!  She is a lovely dancer and I think I could watch her all day:)  I thoroughly enjoyed the entire recital, laughing with tears at some of the sweet little 3-year-olds and realizing that was how old S was when she started dancing and then cried with tears of knowing that my baby girl is growing so fast!  It was late, I was tired!:)

Such a precious night watching a precious ballerina do her thing!!!

S in the front!

S bottom left!

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