Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May Fun

C's class at May Day celebration

Found this while walking around the yard!

Park play date after school one day - we were not the only
ones there!!

C entertaining himself in the car while S was at piano.

C entertaining himself yet again while S was at dance. 
Last swim lesson for C before swim team starts.

I think C stole my phone:)

The kids love our new neighbor, Ryan who is a 12 year old boy, this sign says:
"Ryen please come over" so that he'd see it when he got home from school! LOL!

S's picture - "The Power of Crist":)

Dress rehearsal craziness!

We got The Lion King from the library and watched it since
the kids had never seen it!

After dinner walk/scooter ride through the neighborhood!

I took Abby to get her summer shave and bath!

I LOVE getting these notes home from C's teacher!
C learned to tie(and DOUBLE KNOT) his shoes!
M went fishing with some people on Lake Hartwell and sent me a picture of their catch!
After he got home from his fishing trip, M was all excited and took the kids fishing
at our lake that night while I was at the school helping with Cinderella!  They caught
5-6 fish and the next morning went AGAIN while I was at a thing for church and
caught 2 more!
We've gotten several buckets of strawberries over the past week
and they have been the best we've ever eaten!  They are from
Jolly Farms in Chesnee and are AMAZING!!!!!

C starting to better understand Monopoly - although I think
S cheats a bit by not helping him with the strategy side of things!

My hydrangeas are looking great!  Some are pink...

And some are more periwinkle!  I like these the best!

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