Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day

I got home about lunch time on Mother's Day from Jennifer's bachelorette and found that M had started to tackle one of the projects I've been wanting done around the house - putting stone around our driveway culverts.

He must have worn himself out because he spent the afternoon doing this:

I spent the better part of the day cleaning(because it is amazing how dirty the house gets in 24 hours when Mommy's not around to pick up after everyone)!

The week leading up to Mother's Day, the kids brought home some sweet gifts from school for me!

Our school does these as fundraisers - Publix supplies the cakes and the kids get
to decorate them!  S on the left, C on the right:)

These were from C!

From S!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

So glad your kids decorated your publix cake...the ladies who came to our school didn't let kids touch the cakes.