Tuesday, August 27, 2013

PDO Teachers

This morning, after dropping S off at school, C and I had a breakfast date at Dunkin' Donuts before going to his new "school" (aka our church) to meet his teachers for PDO(Parents Day Out) this year!  He is technically at the age for K3, but we are planning at this point to hold him back a year so we'll do K3 next year unless something changes.

He was so excited, but so nervous all at the same time!:)  The teachers seem awesome!!!!  We know a few kids in his class and that makes me happy!  When he found out that he was getting his own little red bag like S has had for the last few years, he was over the moon!  He was very, very proud of his new bag!

I am looking forward to a great year for him!!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Does he have Mrs. Anita and Mrs. Tracey?