Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Bad Day

After meeting C's teachers this morning, I had a quick appointment and then was heading back to the house to get C some much needed rest!

However, my plans were abruptly rerouted when I got the call that S had fallen and hit her mouth at school and that I needed to come and get her and take her to a doctor!  I was in a panic!!  My heart dropped!!  I was on the complete other side of town from the school, was desperately trying to get to my baby and didn't know the fastest way to get there and got stuck behind every slow driver in the county!  I can't even imagine what my blood pressure was at this point!

I FINALLY made it to the school and found my sweet little girl sitting in the nurse's office looking so pitiful!  I was so glad to see her!  I had made a doctor's appointment on the way to get her so we drove back across town to the pediatrician's office where they were waiting on us!

They looked her over really well, actually two doctor's checked her out and then they called the dentist to ask if we could go there for another look!

Off we were to the dentist office, but they were closed for lunch for another 45 minutes... not enough time to do anything, and way too long to sit in the car any longer as we had been in the car for HOURS(seriously!) by this point!  I had some toys in the car that I keep for car line at school so C can be entertained, so I took them out and we set up camp in the shade by the door!  All started out well, until C just couldn't handle it anymore!  If you remember, he was already overdue for a nap before I got the call from the school so by now he is a complete mess!!!  He gets calmed down after a while, they unlock the door and I run for the TV and turn it on for them!  Luckily, one of C's favorites, Super Why!, was on!

The dentist takes a look at S, gets nerve x-rays done of her permanent teeth on top in front and tells me that she has had a lot of gum trauma with this fall.  The permanent teeth are not loose but are still in the developmental stages so there are still nerves that we cannot see on the x-ray, but the ones he can see look okay!  Thank you, Lord!  He gave us an antibiotic prescription(I didn't even know dentists did that!) and sent us on our way!

This was a very, very rough day at our house!!!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Oh no! Bless y'all. I couldn't imagine your emotions getting that call! So glad she is okay and will pray or no nerve damage and quick healing. Hang in there momma!