Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!!

This morning, the kids came into the kitchen to find that the Easter Bunny had found our house! We don't really make the Easter Bunny a part of our celebration, but we do have goodies that he brought waiting in the morning and the kids love it!!

We enjoyed getting dressed up, really we did I am not just saying that, and going to church!  We had a low-key lunch, went grocery shopping, the kids each ate their entire chocolate bunnies, we lounged around(well, the kids were crazies so nobody was doing too much lounging) ate dinner and called it a day!

The conversations throughout the day centered around Easter and the true meaning of it and the celebration that we have because of the crucifixion and resurrection!  I pray that we always keep this as the central part of our Easters!!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

What a beautiful family! Love C in his jacket! Precious!!