Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Peaches and Campbells Covered Bridge:)

My mom was able to come up today (much much needed!!) and spent some time with us! I took the opportunity to do the piles, piles and more piles of ironing while Mom wrangled both kids. We broke up the morning with a trip to the orchard to pick peaches. Little Man fell asleep on the way there so Mom stayed in the car with him and S and I picked some yummy peaches. We picked a peck and now have peaches pretty much coming out of our ears here!

After lunch and naps (well, S napped but C wasn't too keen on the idea) we took a drive to Campbell's Covered Bridge. M and I had gone a long time ago probably before we were married and it has been totally redone since then. It was the PERFECT outing for us! Although, I won't do it without another adult with me. Just too much right now! BUT, having Mom there to watch one kid while I watched the other worked well! Both of the kids loved walking around in the water and S really got into throwing rocks and playing in the creek sand. It was a really fun time!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

the peach farm looks great! so glad you tested it out for us :)