Friday, July 1, 2011

Colton is ONE!!

I could go on and on about what a sweet, precious, loving, happy, wonderful little boy that C is!! I'll keep it short, though, because I think I've covered all those wonderful qualities in my posts over the past year!

The last 12 months have been so amazing for us! We could not have asked for a more perfect fit for our family than our little C-man! Him and S make each day an adventure and an adventure that I sure wouldn't trade for anything:)

This morning we started the day with waffles and a candle. S and I sang happy birthday and she got to blow the candle out. C thought the waffle was pretty good but was more intrigued with the candle. We went to the library for story time and then spent the better part of the afternoon playing at home. To celebrate our birthday boy, we took him to Red Robin for dinner where he devoured his meal and totally enjoyed the free ice cream sundae! It was a good day and one I won't soon forget:)

This month he has:

  • started sleeping through the night!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY! He will usually get up 6/6:30am but has been known to make it until 7am on a the rare occasion!

  • taken his first steps but only a couple of times. We try to walk with him while he holds our hands but he wants more independence than having up told him and he yanks his little hand away. Whatever! I'm in no rush for him to be running around the house!

  • loved being able to be in the pool!

  • started to kinda drink from a cup. He typically plays with it more than drinks from it but he will drink if I give it to him as I would give him a bottle.

  • learned to say "ab(Abby)" and "da(dog)". Still no "Mama".

  • now claps his hands which is just the cutest thing ever!

  • gotten a couple more molars for a total of 11 teeth!

A typical day for us looks like this:

6/6:30am wake up and 6oz bottle
8am breakfast of banana and granola bar
9am morning nap but I only let him sleep about an hour
10:30am snack of whatever is in the house, usually some sort of crackers
12pm lunch - he eats an ENTIRE kids meal and then some of S's meal too when we go out!
1:30pm afternoon nap - about 1.5hours
3pm 6oz bottle
5:30pm dinner - he eats whatever we are eating most of the time
7:30pm 6oz bottle and bed

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