Thursday, October 8, 2015

Sweet Princess Turns 8!!!

Today this sweet princess turned EIGHT!!!!!  She enjoyed a doughnut breakfast and then I joined her for lunch bearing a HUMONGOUS cupcake! We made sure to make her feel super special!

S loves to read, do crafts, be with friends, go to school, be in charge and is a people pleaser!  She enjoys ballet and piano, both at which she is really excelling!  We love her, her zest for life and are so glad to be able to be her parents!!

Stats updated 10/19/15:
height - 49.75in(42%tile)
weight - 45.8lb(8%tile)
BMI - 13(1%tile)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

So neat that they post birthdays on the school sign! So glad she had a great day :)