Sunday, October 4, 2015

Another Week, More Pictures

I picked our neighbor up from school and lucky him, he
got to go with us to S's piano lesson:)

We got some furniture from Charlotte for our bedroom - woohoo!!

We lost power - and the kids were appalled that meant no
TV!  HA!

C caught a HUGE catfish!!

Some craziness before school one day!  

Busy nights mean as much prep in the morning as possible!

S showing M her ballet!

Just lovely!!!

Waiting for S's dance class to start - and getting C's
reading requirement in for the day!

Tball - we've missed so much due to all the rain!  Glad to
be back out at the ball field:)

The kids had Grandparents Luncheon at school.  S had done
a bio on Gigi!

Grandmamma and Granddaddy were there as well!
Gigi got some video of S's jazz class.  S comes up 
on the left at the end in the pink leotard!

Trying on Daddy's new rain boots!

Trying out my new air popcorn maker I got from M for
my birthday!

Going out to check out the rain!  Crazies!!

There they go - S and M had rain boots on, but C did not and was
back to the house pretty quickly!!
The aftermath of playing the in the rain is almost as it is
when playing in the snow!!

I could hardly believe it - Elf was on in October!!

Lots of TV watching as we endured record amounts of rain over the weekend!
He was playing peek a boo with my camera - but I caught him:)

S and Caris were invited to a party:)

M had planned to take the kids fishing, but we instead
decided that bed was a better choice after some not so pleasant
behavior!  C wrote this note to M!  Pretty impressive!
"Ples go fish" = Please go fish!

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