Friday, October 30, 2015

Halloween at School

Both kids had Halloween festivities at school today and I ran back and forth between them!  I'm so glad on days like today that they are both there!

I started the morning by helping to set up for C's Fairy Tale Ball and then while the kindergarteners were at related arts and before they started the ball, I spent some time in S's room at her doughnut party and candy math day!

After a bit in S's room, I came back to the kindergarten hall for the Fairy Tale Ball.  The kids have been studying a lot of fairy tales, pretty much since the beginning of school, and this was the culmination of their unit.  Each of the classes hosted different games and activities.  I was helping in C's room making crowns with jewels, markers, crayons and GLITTER!! Oh my!  Glitter everywhere!  It took a lot of table scrubbing to get it all off at the end of the day!  I loved being a part of the day, meeting some other parents, seeing C in action with his friends and just being a part of their fun day!
One of the Three Little Pigs ready to go to school!

Doughnut party with S's class:)

One of the candy math stations!

C's teacher giving final instruction before the Ball began!
Me helping at C's table!

All the kiddos(and parents) enjoyed pizza, snacks, and lots
of sweets outside!

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