Saturday, October 24, 2015

All About Fall Today

It has been a fall kind of day around here today!

We woke up this morning, ate a hearty breakfast and went up to the kids' school for a color run.  This is the first time the kids have run a race, so we opted for the 1 mile fun run rather than the 5k.  A very good choice for us!!  S got a side cramp right off the bat, but once she recovered she was actually a pretty good little runner!  C started off way too strong and finished the race on M's back!  HA!!  None of us had ever done a color run before and that was a blast!  Especially since we knew several of the people throwing the color and they were sure to get us good and rainbowed!

After we came home and showered, we went to a new-to-us event that is seriously less than 5 minutes up the road - Olde Tyme Farm Days.  It was a lot of fun and we'll be sure to make this an annual event!  The kids got to ride ponies and a sack swing, we watched them make molasses, ate lots of delicious foods(fried apple pies, apple cider and beans from a large pot over an open fire - all free!!).  We also had a BBQ lunch while we were there.  The entire time we were there the kids kept talking about how much they wanted to live on farm!  By this time we were all getting tired, and a bit cold and opted to come home for the rest of the afternoon!

I got some grocery shopping done, M got some furniture moved and worked on grouting the shower and then carved our pumpkins!  Or, really, if I'm being honest, M carved the pumpkins while I watched and the kids ran around the back yard half playing, half fighting!  It was such a wonderful, family bonding experience - HA!!  But, the pumpkins are now carved!!

Pre-run!  Look how clean!


Pure joy!!

Hello Kitty pumpkin

C wanted his to look like his trick or treat pumpkin bucket.

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