Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

Today it was M's turn to wake up with the stomach bug!  Thank goodness he is the last one!  It has been plaguing our house for over a week and a half!!!!

We haulted all plans this morning, and spent a few hours being lazy!  After an early lunch, I had a surprise for S!  We were going to see Beauty and the Beast on Broadway at the Peace Center!  Oh.My.Goodness!!!  It was so so so so good and we both loved it!!!  I am so glad that we were able to go!

I had planned to go to church for the Christmas Eve service tonight, however, between M being sick and the show lasting longer than expected, we opted to not rush ourselves and just spent some time at home:)  The kids sprinkled their reindeer food around the house so that Santa and Rudolph would be sure to be able to find it in all the fog that is out tonight and then after dinner we set out cookies and notes for Santa.

The kids were very excited to get dressed in their new jammies from Boy and of course I had to get a picture of them in all their cuteness!  Then, it was off to bed for them so that Santa could come!

Beauty and the Beast:

Putting out reindeer food:

Ready for Santa:

She always writes such sweet notes to Boy and Santa!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Love it!!! We have the same pajamas!!