Thursday, March 1, 2012

In Like a Lion...

Out like a lamb, right??

Usually this saying refers to the weather, but being that today is amazing weather - tomorrow is severe storms, though! - this doesn't hold true for 2012... as far as weather goes that is!

However, if you want to take this "in like a lion" and apply it to my children, then oh YES, a lion is a very good description!! Particularly C-man! Whew!! He has never been a good sleeper, but the last few weeks have been R.O.U.G.H! He has cut at least 3 of his two-year molars and I'm hoping he just goes ahead and gets all of them so this will be over! We've not slept through the night in I don't know how long and he hasn't been napping either - not a good combination for any of us but especially for a 20-month-old. The boy is cranky!!

That being said, I attempted to take advantage of the pretty weather today! While S was in school I let C play outside at the house as long as possible and then again after what should have been naps but most definitely was more in line with a scream-fest we went to the park(SO GLAD Jessica was able to meet us there!!!)!

As I'm always told, this too shall pass, right????

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