Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ceaser's Head

So this weekend has been great so far!!!

Girls' Night Out last night, very successful garage sale-ing this morning, new running shoes and clothes and then a picnic and hike, and hamburgers/hotdogs on the grill:)

Although we had planned to go to Jones Gap, they limit the number of cars allowed in the park and there was already a line of cars waiting and the ranger guesstimate it was about an hour wait. NO THANKS!! I know two little ones who would not have gone for that!

We left and went to Ceaser's Head. We ended up eating our picnic in the car, which is fine and it actually worked out well, and then went to the Ceaser's Head overlook. We also "hiked" an easy trail right across the street from the visitor's center area. Good thing we didn't expect to really get a good hike in because C-man preferred to play with sticks and if he couldn't play with sticks he wanted to be carried!:)

It was still fun though and S really liked learning about the different color blazes on the trail and searching for the next one! We collected TONS of rocks and sticks along the way, listened to the birds chirping and chirping some more and did a bit of bouldering!!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Looks like they had a great time!