Sunday, April 5, 2009

Road Trip to Great-Grandpa's

Yesterday was a crazy day! My dad and brother drove up from Atlanta, picked me and S up, and continued another 2.5 hours to my grandfather's house! Uncle Bobby(my brother) was lucky enough to get the back seat with S so they had a wonderful bonding experience:) S slept a bit on the way there, was an absolute angel while we visited, and was pretty good on the way home (we kept her out past her bedtime so she started to fall apart in the car). We had such a fun time visiting and the weather was perfect so we could get outside some while we were there! I had worried a little about how S would do on such a long day trip, but overall I was very proud of her!
S and Grandpa taking a walk (you see she is using my camera case as a purse!).

Three generations of men.

Great-grandpa giving S a ride on the swing - the swing was her favorite "toy".

Having a blast!


TCW said...

She is so darn cute. I love that she is a total girlie girl. She is growing up. Do you have to take a purse with you to stores yet? OK likes to take hers to the grocery store.

Jessica said...

LOVE the picture with Great Grandpa pushing her on the swing. Too cute!