Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy 1/2 Birthday!

Today is my sweet little girl's half birthday! She is a whopping 18 months old:)

To celebrate, we made cookies this morning so that we could decorate them after S's nap. The cooking process was fun, for about 2 seconds, and then on to other things (like watching the loggers outside the window for an entire 15 minutes!).
Watching the cookies bake.

Much more exciting - watching the loggers!

After a good nap, we decorated the cookies which she wasn't quite as into as I thought she would be. But, of course eating the cookies was a blast:) Then, a quick trip to the park was in order to burn off some of that sugar!

Somewhat decorated cookies.


S's favorite park!!!!

All in all, a very good day:)


Michelle Y said...

Looks like a fun day! Happy 1/2 birthday Stella. Where is the park?

KLee said...

Can't go wrong with making cookies!!