Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dinner Time Struggles

As some of you know, we have a hard time getting S to eat. She'd just rather be doing other things and not eat altogether. It is a fight at every meal to get something in her belly! Now, to add to the frustration, she is refusing to sit in her high chair. Uggg.... She wants to sit in mommy and daddy's chairs. This poses a rather difficult situation for several reasons:

  1. The chairs are too short and she can't reach her plate on the table w/o standing and I do NOT allow her to stand in the chair.
  2. She is able to get down since she is not strapped in and therefore eats 1 bite, says "all done" and attempts to get out of the chair.
  3. When she is sitting in the chair, the side of the table is the perfect hight to knock her in the head whenever she moves too quickly which leads to a scream fest.

I'm really at a loss at what to do. If I make her sit in her highchair, she won't eat. If I let her sit at the "big girl table" she's not quite big enough. I think we are going to try a different high chair that we have here at the house first. Then, if that doesn't work, we are going to have to find either a new table that is lower or new chairs that are higher. I'm thinking new chairs since we only currently have 2 of them and are a family of 3. This is something I was totally not ready for - a curveball was just thrown at me. If we do start allowing her to sit in a real chair, what a challenge to keep her in her seat until she is done eating (to our satisfaction, not hers).

I'd love to hear some advise from those who've experienced this or even if you haven't if you have an idea of what to do!!!


Lauren said...

as you know, i haven't experienced this...yet. Jacob and Trish have a booster seat for the table. It works really well, is easily portable and lets Dakota sit at the "big girl table" Maybe you could try that...they are about 20 dollars at Babies R us. Good luck!

Amanda said...

I was going to suggest a booster seat too - some of our sunday school class kids use them and love them. Or, if you could find room, would she like her own little table and chairs? She could use it for coloring and games etc, and for eating too just until she's big enough for the adult table. We had one when we were little and adored it for years. Let me know what you figure out!

KLee said...

Just keep offering her food. Pediatricians will say that they will eat when they are hungry, but to keep giving them opportunities. Make sure if she is eating snacks that they are not too close to lunch/dinner. We ran into that some.

It's a Mom Thing said...

Yep, booster here too. I think at her age is a great time for kids to be "at the table" instead of in a high chair. We never had a high chair so it's easy for me to say that. I just think, socially, they want to be a part of what Mommy and Daddy are doing instead of "over there" in the highchair. Most boosters are adjustable so you can make it work for your table height. Just don't put the tray on and pull her right up to the table.
Another idea...make the food fun. Make a fruit kabob or cut out a little sandwich with a cookie cutter. Now I know you can't do this for every meal, but maybe it would entice her enough to eat a little bit during one of your meals each day.
And I agree with Kendra about the snacks.

Shelby said...

we definitely struggle with stone with the eating issue.. every day, so I feel your pain there. the only advice i would give is to agree with the ladies on the booster seat.. stone ditched the high chair early on and then only wanted the booster seat! he's since ditched that, even though he could still technically use it, but i think (agree with all said above) that it's a social issue in the sense that he wanted to be part of what we were doing at the table, not in a high chair near the table.

as far as trying to make stone eat when we eat, we've just had to stop giving him snacks too close to meals times and that seemed to help some. like i said, we still struggle with getting him to try new foods, but we havne't given up! it gets frustrating, so just hang in there!!

beth said...

Okay to be a parrot but Walmart has these Super cute PINK boosters for like $10..they are a perfect height even for "low" chairs..we used to stick in the trunk for restarants too! Good luck!

Lisa Peach said...

Boosters have not really worked for us. The highchair only works sometimes- unfortunately he eats great in front of the tv. My mom got a small table and chairs that we put in the playroom-you could put in the kitchen too and Jackson loves it.
He puts all his play food on it too.
sometimes we put food in containers and let him snack. At this age it's all about letting them think they are in control and giving a little bit of independence.
Good luck! It does get a little better:)

Michelle Y said...

Wow! I really can't relate to any of that. Jamie eats and eats and eats. He could be sitting in his highchair by himself in the kitchen and, as long as he had food, he was good! Good luck with everyone else's suggestions though!