Saturday, April 18, 2009

Good Times in Atlanta

This week, S and I made a whirlwind trip to Atlanta to visit with family and friends. We had a great time cooking out, playing on the playground at the park, going down to the lake, meeting friends at the zoo and having lunch with Cousin Jack.

My camera battery died early during the visit and I ended up having to use my dad's camera so I don't have a lot of pictures...yet.

Our trip to the zoo went surprisingly well. I was really worried that S would want to get out of her stroller. She is so independent these days and likes to walk by herself and refuses to hold my hand - very frustrating. But, I was proud of the way she behaved while we were at the zoo. She stayed in her stroller until we got to the carousel, train and playground. Then, after lunch, she did not fight being put back into it while we headed out. It was a wonderful time and she helped to make it so much fun for me too!

A ride on the train.

LOVES the carousel!!!!!

My friend and her 2 boys.

Checking out the polar bears.
Stroller buddies.

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