Monday, February 11, 2008

This Weekend

Well, we got another tractor this weekend. This time it is in John Deere Green:)

Daddy and his little girl!

The "Bishop Girls"

And, we took S on her first "hiking" trip. I put that in parenthesis b/c we only hiked about a mile or so. Mostly I just kept making M stop so that I could take pictures!


It's a Mom Thing said...

You guys crack me up with the tractor posts. I love the diversity in our friend group. I'm sure that tractor is pretty awesome...I just don't know anything about them. I do know that S looks mighty cute!

Anonymous said...

All one really needs to know is that "She thinks his tractors really turns her on!!" Chug-a-lug,chug-a-lug five miles an hour.....