Friday, February 15, 2008

Guess What I Found!!!

So, last night as I was waiting for Michael to come home for dinner, I had put S in her room for a nap. Okay, that DEFINITELY did not work. I went in, picked her up and loved on her for a few minutes and then put her back down. Again, she wasn't having that. I went in yet again, picked her up, changed her diaper and put her back down. This time, she was MAD. She started SCREAMING. I gave up!!!! I went in and picked her up and brought her into the family room and proceeded to rock her. She was still screaming and as I looked down into her WIDE OPEN mouth, she has a very large mouth (escpecially when she is in one of her Mr. Hyde mood), I saw it. A TOOTH!!!!!!!! I immediately stuck my finger in her mouth to feel and sure enough, there it was poking through! I was so excited. Maybe this is why she has been so incredibly fussy all the time. So, my question for the experienced moms, does this fussiness continue until all the teeth are in, or does it come and go?!?!!?


Anonymous said...

I guess this means that Stella got a "sweet tooth" for Valentines Day!!

Double Dees in SC said...

In my experiences, it comes and goes with each tooth. d1 got his at different times so it stopped and started with each new tooth.
d2 got many teeth at once so it was just really "fun" for a longer period. Ours was more of a whiny, pathetic noise as opposed to screaming but all are definitely unique in their own way! Yay for the first tooth!!

Outnumbered! said...

I agree with double dees with the coming and going. You'll get a break here and there, but as each tooth comes in, it will be pretty painful for her and she'll likely be fussy.

It's a Mom Thing said...

T$ was never really fussy when she was teething. She just drooled a lot and ran a low-grade fever. But, who knows, it could explain some of the fussiness. How long has it been going on?

Gini (Hallquist) Young said...

It comes and goes. M wasn't too fussy with her teeth until we got to the big ones...then it was another story. next time she has a fussy streak...peek in there (easy to do when screaming) and see if there is a bulge in her gum or redness. Then if there is give the gal some motrin and there are these little qtip looking things that have teething soothing relief whatever in it. those are perfect to rub on the irritated area. they seemed to help a good bit for M. Wow, M didn't get her first tooth till at least 6 months or so, but she started chewing like she was getting one at 4m.

KLee said...

E wasn't too fussy until the molars came in. But it definitely could explain why she has not been happy all the time. Motrin works wonders!

TCW said...

I am so jealous. OK still doesn't have any teeth.

Michelle Y said...

Teeth pain comes and goes. J3 got his bottom 2 in first and then, about 2 weeks later, another 4 appeared at the top. I've never seen him so fussy....thank goodness for the orajel q-tip swabs - they are great!