Friday, April 24, 2020

Social Distancing - Week 6

Monday - Well, we got back into it with a bang today!  I had to work today, so M took C and I took S with me!  They took their schoolwork with them so that they could get that done while M and I both worked!  We also had our first house showing today so it worked out that we were at work during that time!  After I finished, I picked C up and got S home just in time to get in on her Zoom dance class!

M and C got the remote control plane out - and also managed
to fly it right into a tree!

The kids and I have had an egg sitting in vinegar since Friday
for an experiment and it was finally time to get it out today - it was
completely rubberized, but still had a liquid yolk inside!  They
were even able to bounce it a bit before it busted open!

Tuesday - This morning was more of a typical "school" day at the house and the kids were able to get
their work done in the morning!  We ventured out to get lunch and run a few little errands(I looked TWO places for rice and couldn't find any!  UGH!).  We cleaned the house some this afternoon - it's hard keeping it clean and show-worthy when we are in it all.the.time!  We then relaxed for a good bit, S had a Zoom dance class and then after dinner M and I went on a walk while the kids watched a movie!
Don't they look excited!?!?

I've been piddling around the yard, just weeding and clipping
away because I have nothing else to do!  But I have been
enjoying the azaleas coming into full bloom!
Wednesday - I had to get some work done in the office and had to bring both kids with me!  This was definitely not ideal, but school has officially been canceled as of today so I'm sure it won't be the last time I have to do it either - ugh!!  After I finished at the office, we swung by The Sock Basket to get S some new ballet flats since her toes had literally pushed a hole through her old ones and got a curbside delivery from the owner!  That was really nice and convenient;)  When we got home, C had a guitar lesson through FaceTime and the kids finished their school assignments.  Of course, there was the daily video games(Pac Man, bringing it back old school), movies(Rookie of Year for the win) and card games.

Thursday - C is always up right at 7am!!  This morning, I had not slept great last night(or the past several, really!) so I told him to close my door and let me sleep!  I finally emerged at 8:30am which felt so late but really I could have used some more and was quite irritable today!  When I came out, the kids were both already starting on their school work - our "school day" always starts at 8:30am so I guess they have that programmed in their heads now!  Michael came home at lunch and took C back with him because we needed a break!  S and I had a quieter, relaxing day that was way over due! She did work on a contemporary dance video that is due next week and I honestly didn't do anything!  The boys came back in time for dinner and watching some basketball show on TV and then we called it an early night!
Playing with the flight simulator.

Friday - Friday ended the week much better than things were going on Thursday!  I made a morning trip to the grocery while the kids were doing their school work.  I even found everything on my list!  That was a first since this whole mess started - but, granted, I wasn't looking for toilet paper, paper towels or dish detergent!  We made a trip to Skyland Farms where we purchased a fresh lasagna for dinner, bacon and some plants to plant into some containers we have just laying around outsidee(side note- we really didn't know what some of the plants were, and ended up with a watermelon plant - NOT a container plant! LOL!) and checked out the animals.  The kids finished their school work when we got home, played with the neighbors, folded their laundry and then we all played with the flight simulator and confirmed that S and I are both never to fly a real remote controlled airplane!

They were supposed to be doing laundry, but they instead were
playing inside the laundry basket!  This is S!  C did it too but
put his legs through the handles and ended up getting stuck
and we had to rescue him!

Flight simulator - a LOT of crashing going on!

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