Friday, April 10, 2020

Social Distancing - Week 4

Monday - S was sick today!  Ugh!  She feels horrible!  So she didn't "do" school but just kinda laid around!  C did his work and I am really not liking this eLearning 2.0 as they are calling it!  It's a lot of busy work in my opinion!  I had to get some work done today - pay day and getting checks ready for deposit.  Also, the government is offering loans for small businesses(including churches) so I am having to figure all of that out and get all the needed documentation together for John Knox to apply for the loan.  It was a lot to take in today between S being sick and me trying to figure all the work stuff out.  Poor C, he has been left on his own to get school done and then self entertain!  The pollen is so bad right now that I don't want to go outside with him because it gives me a headache!  I didn't even take any pictures today, not ONE!  It was just a blah all around, stressful day!

Tuesday - S is still sick!  Her body aches are what is the worst at this point!  Really makes me think it is the flu!  And I have no clue how she got it considering she hasn't gone anywhere!!  C set to do his work and I had to do more work to get this CARES Act loan together!  One of C's assignments was to make a time capsule and answer questions and give thoughts based on what we are doing now and life during COVID-19.  His answers were so sweet and innocent and I'm glad he seems to be taking it all in stride.  When M got home, S was feeling well enough to sit on the couch while the three of us went on a bike ride/walk through the neighborhood.  It was MUCH needed to get out!

Well Medicated at this moment!

Wednesday - S is still sick and work is really stressful trying to get everything ready to submit for the loan.  Today was a day that I am glad is over!!!  No pictures - just surviving!  Oh, well, two good things, C continues to really improve on guitar and had his lesson this afternoon via FaceTime with his teacher.  And, M and I went for a walk and left the kids at the house to veg out even more than they already have this week!

Thursday - S woke up without a fever!!  Thank goodness!!!!  She was able to get a little bit of work done in the morning and I went for a run while the kids did school!  Ahhh... I felt like a new person this morning!  We ventured out to get C's prescription refilled and picked up his favorite, Little Caesar's(gag!) and came home to enjoy it on the front porch.  Also, since S hasn't been feeling well this week, I joined Shipt for at least the month and we got our first delivery this afternoon!  Glorious!!

BOTH kids working!

Friday - C is officially on Spring Break now!  S on the other hand, since she missed four days of school being sick, is still having to work!  Today was a much chillier day, but we still spent some time outside playing frisbee golf and C was so excited to have his sister out playing with him again - although I don't think she has 100% of her energy back quite yet!  We spent some time in the afternoon dying eggs and then picked up a Taziki's family pack for dinner!  To top off an already trying and stressful week, C tackled S to the floor giving her a bloody nose and cause for concern of a concussion!  She is fine, no concussion, but I've lost a lot of sleep this week for sure!

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