Friday, April 3, 2020

Social Distancing - Week 3

Well, week 3... ugh!!  And it is going to go on for at LEAST another month!

Monday - It was hard to get back into it this week!  C doesn't have as much work as S, so it is becoming harder to keep him entertained while she is doing her work!  They both worked through the morning session of school and then we went on a walk/bike ride through the neighborhood!  There were lots of people out enjoying a clear morning!  The kids have also made a HUGE hopscotch in the driveway.  We went to the middle school to pick up their lunches and the Blue Ridge Tiger was there to greet us!  I thought it was great - the kids thought it was corny!  Whatever!  While S worked on her work, C and I went to Plate 108 to pick up a kit to make pretzels and do a virtual Bingo game later.  S then had her ballet class on Zoom and while she finished that, C and I joined in another Zoom to make pretzels.  When she finished ballet, S joined us for the finishing touches on the pretzels and then we played Bingo with Plate 108 hosting.  It was so fun!!  What a great idea!!

Tuesday - I actually had to get up and shower this morning for a work Zoom conference.  The kids worked on their morning session of school while I had my meeting!  M was home because it was raining so he finished up a lot of the painting around the house and did some pressure washing, the HVAC guys were here to add a unit in our upstairs "extra room" as we've always called it, S had a virtual pediatrician's appt and then she had a Zoom ballet class.  Rainy days are proving to be tough - I probably need to come up with some creative activities and ideas for the next time we have a rainy day!

C helped me with dinner!

I told him that he could NOT be doing this because the
last place we wanted to go right now is the hospital!

Wednesday - I had to work today, so the kids went with M to work.  After a quick stop at the dreaded grocery store on the way home, we all made it back.  I set to making dinner while C did a FaceTime guitar lesson with his teacher.  All in all a pretty uneventful day with just more of the same! And zero pictures were taken today!

Thursday - Today was the last day round one of "homeschooling" and whew, we are working hard!  There's still just not as much to take pictures of these days because it is just the same thing, different day... LOL!  We ended the day watching a couple of stars read books online, Dolly Parton and Grover!

Since we had to cancel our Disney trip(SO SAD!!), I watched
a behind the scenes video of Disney World this morning!

Weekly Google Meet with his teacher and class.

I just love Dolly!

Friday - Day one of the second round of "homeschooling" with the curriculum put together by the state education department instead of the teachers.  It was a LOT of work and the kids are really missing their own teachers' work!  I cleaned a lot and the carpet cleaners came and cleaned the carpets upstairs!  The kids have been getting creative with their play, and it's pretty neat to watch!  In other news, the kids cleaned their bathrooms(much needed!!) and I made a run to Target and found Charmin toilet paper!  Woohoo!!  And, for dinner, we tried something different and ordered a Taco Kit from Moe's and it was super nice not to have to cook!!

Her bathroom was DISGUSTING!!!

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