Friday, April 17, 2020

Social Distancing - Week 5 (and Spring Break)

It's hard to believe how different our Spring Break is this year than we'd planned!  Just goes to show you, we are not ultimately in control!  But I'll be honest, it sure does stink!!!!

Monday - Last night, a huge storm came through are area and tornadoes were a big possibility.  I kept my phone on and got alarms going off all night so I didn't get much sleep for sure.  At about 4am, a cell was set to go right over our house and had rotation in it, so we got the kids up and took cover!  It passed without touching down, but some areas in the Upstate saw EF3 tornadoes and a lot of damage!  We all went back to sleep, but were struggling all day from lack of sleep!  Since S was sick last week and missed four days of school, she is having to work this week to make it up.  C on the other hand does not have any work to do and is biting at the bit to play.  I found a project for him to do that he seemed to like so that kept him busy for a while.  I spent the day cleaning the house!  It gets so dirty with the three of us being here all day every day(and we fired the maids a couple of months ago!).

While I was cleaning, I found a stash of toilet paper
that C had hoarded! LOL!
Tuesday - S still was doing school work today,  C was working on his project and I was finishing up some last minute cleaning.  Our realtor and the photographer came this morning to take pictures of our house so that we could get it listed!  While they were here, we had to be out of the house so we went and picked up lunch at Panera and brought it home and ate outside while they finished up!  The afternoon was spent going on a walk/bike ride for me and C while S had her dance class and then some more board games.  This evening, we had a Zoom charades game with Grandpa and Gigi, Uncle Bobby and Aunt Jennifer!  It was great fun and we are hoping to do it again soon!

She made her own table and chairs to eat lunch outside!

Clue has become a favorite!

Wednesday - I had to get to the office today!  S came with me and C went with M!  S and I both got a lot of work done and I felt much better about things having done so!  When we came home, C had his guitar lesson, I got dinner together and we survived!  ZERO pictures from today!

Thursday - S finally finished her make up work!  Thank goodness!!  The kids played more crazy and creative games, we upped our Frisbee golf game by playing from starting points all over the street, we went on a walk/bike ride, Aunt Jennifer led them in an art class with Zoom, and the for sale sign went up in our front yard(which seems so super weird!).  Also, today, the president and governor announced that we were going to start to slowly "open up" the state and country!  Thank goodness!  First baby step was to open up all public boat ramps(lake and ocean) starting today!  It's a very small step, but a step nonetheless!  Just before bed, we found the Disney Family/Celebrity singalong on TV and watched it!

Friday - I told the kids NOT to wake me up before 8am this morning!  Of course, it's the one morning that I naturally wake up at 6:45am.  So annoying!  They then spent the morning getting their laundry done(so nice they can do it all by themselves without any assistance from me now) and then playing their new game of tying each other up outside! We went on a long walk/bike ride, made a cake(the kids iced it!) and did an acids and bases experiment!  We lounged around for the afternoon, did some more crafting and started the building phase on their city project before going to pick up Hungry Drover for dinner.  It's been a long week, but did not feel nearly as long as last week when S was sick and lock down mandates were becoming more stringent!  I feel like there is a small little speck of light at the end of a very long yet tunnel!

Glorious morning for a walk!

They had a sweet moment and made each other a canvas!


and acids!

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