Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter Weekend

This Easter was definitely different than any other we've experienced!  And, much to our dismay, our trip to Disney and the beach were cancelled!  

Saturday was a beautiful day to be out in the yard!  The flowers are starting to bloom and the birds are out in full force!

Sunday, the kids woke up to no Easter baskets as the Easter Bunny is starting to loose track of the days!  But, he came through, and while they were doing other things, made a quick delivery and plopped a couple of things on the table!  They were thankful so we will call it a win;)

We watched church on live stream which was so very different!  Afterwards, before the rain started, we went out and shot skeet!  As soon as we were leaving the rain was just starting.  We spent the rest of the afternoon playing board games!

He is still risen!  He is still the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!  He has plans for us!  He is in control!  

They've used their imaginations and come up with some
creative games over the past month!

They've also had lots more screen time than they usually do!

"Easter baskets"

Sneaking her Easter candy while  the boys shot guns!

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