Monday, August 15, 2016

End of Summer

I have mixed emotions about summer coming to an end!  I am glad to not have to listen to non-stop fighting between the kids, but I'm not quite ready for extra-early mornings, schedules and homework!
Ready or not, here comes school!

Between strep and stomach bug, I've had to do some of my
work outs at home!

These two got much needed haircuts:)

S joined C in a karate class one day - she liked it okay, but
she is going to be one busy girl in a few weeks and we
are not going to put any more on her plate!

I had a temporary moment of insanity and brought C and
Olivia to the grocery with me - they were actually really
well behaved!

Amanda and I went to see Bad Moms one night and it was such
a great break!  However, $11.64 for just me!?!?! WHAT!?!?!

It's been a pretty dry summer, so he was glad to go check the
mail for me and get to use his umbrella:)

Lucky me got to go stuff envelopes at the school for a few hours one day for
Meet the Teacher night... one of the lovely perks of being on PTA...bleh! 
I saw blue hands out the back window after he finger
painted at zoo camp!

C went to a friend's pool party and they had a water balloon
fight - all the boys thought it was the greatest thing!


C had another birthday party at the water park and we all
went along for the fun!

Pizza, cake, ice cream and presents... at the water park..
doesn't get much better!

I took the kids to their inaugural Frankie's Fun Park
experience!  They each got $10 for arcades which
honestly didn't go near as far as I thought it should!! But,
then they got to use their tickets for prizes so that took up
a lot of time! 

Some last days at the pool:)

We've been playing UNO, and watching the Olympics,
a LOT!!

S's writing - she would go for a "spa treatment"!  I'm
in trouble!!

S had an orthodontist appointment and C loved it because
he was able to play video games in the waiting room!

I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but I neglected to take
any pictures at meet the teacher night!!?!  As always, there were
137 forms to fill out when I got home!  Luckily, the Olympics were there
to entertain:)
More pool time:)

We celebrated M's birthday!  Instead of a cake, we did a brownies
this year!  Why?  Because 1) M doesn't love store bought birthday
cake; 2) I had everything I needed to make the brownies without
having to go grocery shopping with two crazy kids, so I chose
the save my sanity option! PS - do you see my coffee cup on the
counter ready for the next day!?!?  Buhaha!!!  I need it ASAP
at this point in the summer:)
Date Night at Purple Onion in Saluda, NC!!

We got to the gym one day and realize that C does not have shoes
on his feet!  Oh well!  In we went!  GROSS!!!

This is what we did most of the very last day of summer!
All of us super-lazy!!

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