Thursday, August 18, 2016

Cleaning Rooms

So you'd think I'd be relaxing and enjoying my "free time", but of course not!  I've been cleaning the kids' rooms because they were absolutely disgusting!  I ended up taking about 8 bags to goodwill and 10 bags to the trash!  And that didn't even include the clothes that I went through and pulled out of their drawers that were either too small or they didn't like and were never going to wear!  They can now close their drawers without clothes hanging out all over the place!

This took several days and was a lot of work, but now they look so so so much better!!

S's Room

She is the queen of hoarding TRASH!!  I even found a piece
wadded up in her compact!


C's Room


1 comment:

Amy said...

That sounds like us! I boxed up EIGHT boxes of toys and miscellaneous ridiculousness from their beloved possessions and they have yet to miss any of it! I don't know where all this comes from!