Friday, February 19, 2016

Zoo Fun

We made a mad dash to the zoo after school today with some friends!  We were so excited to get to see the new baby giraffe, Tatu!!  It was so much less crowded than when we went and saw Kiko when he was born and we were so glad to see that Tatu was out on exhibit as well!  S and her friend could have stayed there for hours watching the giraffes, but the two little guys were having none of that!  The kids played on the small playground in the zoo for a while before we realized what time it was and that they were starting to put the other animals away!  We raced through the rest of the exhibits, with the zookeepers right on our tales pushing us along, and were able to spend a few minutes on the big playground at the entrance to the zoo before we made our way back home for C's basketball practice!

C and his friend, Nate.  S and her friend, Liam.

Autumn and Baby Tatu

Goofball boys!

The orangutans were in rare form!

S and Liam on the requisite bear picture - the little ones were
not having that either!! LOL!

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