Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentine's Day/President's Day Weekend

Valentine goodies all around:)

We had a far from romantic dinner for Valentine's Day with
friends that included these two crazy boys!!!  Best picture I got!

The kids were out of school today because it's President's Day
and how do we start it off?  With a trip to the doctor's
office for S - terrible "bulging" ear infection!!

We were able to see our friends from our old street for
a couple hours before heading home to beat the ice storm that
had been forecasted!  On the drive home at about 12:30, my car his an
icy spot on a bridge and then it spun again as I tried to turn into my garage!
I'm glad we came home when we did!!
Miley and C being somewhat lazy!

Mallory and S quarantined themselves in Mal's room with a
"Keep Out" sign on their door:)  What are they, 13!?!?!?
Then it was time for some relaxing at home time!

And then the neighbor boy showed up and he played too!

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