Sunday, April 26, 2015

Choir - Generations: This is Love

Tonight was the night S had been waiting for!  She was so excited to get on stage and sing:)  And she had lots of love in the audience - me, M, C-man, Grandpa, Grandmamma and Granddaddy!

In December, the choir did a play performance.  This time, they let a worship service!  It was amazing!!  All of the kids (and some parents!) did a great job!  It was enjoyable and sweet and I am so proud of sweet S and her love for the Lord and for worship!!!!!

Getting ready to go inside!

Oh the craziness!!!!

S is on the bottom right with her shirt tied up because
that's the way she rolls!  Fashionable as always!

There were tons of kiddos on that stage!

C was entertained at first...

but sound asleep by the end!

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