Sunday, March 16, 2014

In Like a Lion...

I certainly hope this month goes out like a LAMB!!!

I despise January and February, but after the past couple of weeks, I may be adding March to my list of despised months!!!!!

Poor C is always having to wait on S for something - school, soccer, dance!  This particular day he entertained himself playing in the dirt!  Come on spring!!

Good thing there is a playground right next to S's soccer field that she practices and plays games on!  This helps to keep C(and other little brothers and sisters) occupied!

The kids were playing outside(and surprisingly there were no neighbors over this day...well, at least not yet!) and S had her Kindle and was singing and dancing away to Frozen's "Let It Go"  She is so theatrical!!  It wasn't until days later that I realized she actually knows the movements from the movie!  Watch this clip and then watch the real video clip and see how amazingly accurate she is!  PS - her Kindle is just music, no videos, so she memorized this from watching my YouTube on my phone??

My kids are loud, crazy, wild, etc!!!!  So, when this happened one afternoon, and they were both reading so quietly and nice, I just had to snap a picture... 'cause who knows when it will happen again!?!?!

S's soccer game was less than stellar this past weekend!  She had refused to go potty before the game, and then, of course, halfway through she had to go!  The bathroom was clear across the complex and occupied and by the time she finally made it back she had missed her chance to play.  I think she played all of maybe 10-15 minutes!  Good thing she likes the social aspect as much(or more!) than the playing part.  Oh!  And don't forget loving the snack afterwards!!

I'm glad the kids have friends on the street, really I am.  But, SERIOUSLY!!!  I sometimes feel trapped in the house because it doesn't take 2 minutes after I send them out to have a slew of kids climbing all over our house, pulling everything out, fighting, whining, tattling, getting hurt - I am the neighborhood babysitter!  Gets OLD!!  It's never just peaceful playing:/

It has rained - A LOT!  Today, I tried to keep the kiddos entertained with crafts for a while!

Then they kept us entertained with singing and keyboard playing - Linus and Lucy!

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