Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Out to the Movies

This morning we met some friends for both kids' first movie experience to see Rio!!  I had no idea what the movie was about, but only knew that it was one of the few G-rated movies on the list for $1 movies for the summer!  It turned out to be pretty cute!

I was not sure if C-man would make it through the whole thing as he is not super into TV, but he did thanks to an entire bag of fruit snacks, popcorn and chocolate bunny cookies:)  I honestly don't think he would have been so agreeable had it not been for food!  But, for the three of us to go it was only $3 so I was willing to try it!

S on the other hand loved the whole thing!!  She was long overdue for a trip to the movies, but about the time she was ready for the movies, C was born and having a newborn in the theater was not my idea of fun - although, looking back, a newborn would have been easier than say 18 months!  So, now that C is a bit older, she finally got her chance:)  She is already ready to go back!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I SO agree!! I took Kate a time or two when I was pregnant with Lincoln...but there is NO WAY he will be attending the movies any time soon! Hah! :) Maybe when he turns 3 I will try your version of 1,003 snacks!