Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hagood Mill

This morning we went to an old corn mill and watched as they made grits and cornmeal.  Also, they were making "moonshine"(which was really just water! Ha!), a blacksmith was making a spork(spoon on one side and fork on the other so as not to take up as much room in their sacks), quilts and wooden guns and swords.  They had these cute little 3 week old miniature pot bellied pigs.  Oh my!  SO CUTE!!!  We also had honey straws which were delicious!  There were several old cars that they boys checked out while S and I got situated and claimed a table for lunch!

It was something M and I have been wanting to do for a while and a lot of fun!  It was much more crowded than we had expected.  They have bluegrass music playing too, but they started up late and we had to leave before they got it all together!  We came home with fresh ground grits and oat meal!  Yum!!


1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

love reading your always do such fun things!