Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Streamlining Mornings

Our mornings have become a bit, er, trying lately!!!

I have been trying to come up with ideas that will make getting out of the house quicker and easier!  At least 5 days a week, we have to be leaving by 8:30am.  This may not seem early to those who work or have kids in grade school, however, it is so hard for us for some reason!  There is way too much whining and yelling and arguing going on and I am determined to minimize it! 

I've started doing a few things differently and it seems to help, but I am going to have to tweak it still to make things even more smooth!

It is exhausting just to get out the door - I can not imagine what it is going to be like when S starts Kindergarten next year and I am doing this all but having to leave even an hour earlier!!

PS - Did I mention I was D.O.N.E. with Christmas shopping as of this morning?!?!  YAY!  And it isn't even December yet:)

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